Who is Alan Kaine?
Welcome to my website. I am Alan Kaine, Clinical Sexual Therapist.
I have a diverse educational and employment background that has resulted in my cultivating a specialty working with men and couples who have sexual problems. I have a BA and MA. In 1983, I became a certified polygraph examiner and had extensive training in phallometric testing (sexual preference testing). For several years, I worked in collaboration with Dr. Guyon Mersereau, Psychiatrist on clinical cases and research projects. Dr. Mersereau and I were instrumental in developing a subspecialty team at St. Joseph’s Community Psychiatric Service in Hamilton, Ontario to provide consultation and support to other clinicians who are treating psychiatric patients that exhibited violent and aggressive behaviours. Dr. Mersereau and I co-authored research articles on paraphilias.

For close to 15 years, I collaborated with Dr. Rita Bradley in the assessment and treatment of sexual abusers that culminated in the development, implementation and maintenance of a community-based sexual offender treatment program in Hamilton from 1990 to 2000.
I have completed numerous forensic and court assessments as well as qualifying as an expert witness in the area of sexual pathology.
Since 2000, I have had a private practice that provides treatment services for males and couples who have various sexual disorders and dysfunctions. From 2000 I collaborated with Dr. Stephen Hucker, Forensic Psychiatrist, regarding court-ordered forensic cases as well as private cases (e.g., defense lawyers). From 2006 to 2017, I collaborated with Dr. Mikhail Epelbaum and providing outpatient services to patients with sexual disorders.
From 1992 to 1995, I was an Instructor at Mohawk College (Continued Education) and taught Sociology I and II as well as Criminology. I was an Instructor at McMaster University in their Police Studies Course and taught Criminology and Correctional Treatment. From 1986 to 2005, I was a Field Instructor at McMaster University for Social Worker Students. I have also supervised students (addictions, child and youth workers and social workers) from other colleges and Universities in Ontario and the United States.
In addition, I have been involved in countless training workshops and speaking engagements as well as presentations for educational rounds at hospitals and social agencies. I have spoken at various conferences that include the Canadian Chiefs of Police, federal and provincial correctional conferences and the International Health and Technology.
I am currently a member of the Assessment of Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA). In addition, I have active memberships with the Ontario College of Social Workers, Ontario Association of Consultants, Psychometrists and Psychotherapists and Canadian Association of Police Polygraphists.
Areas of Practice
- Paraphilic disorders: include voyeurism (spying on others), exhibitionism (exposing the genitals), frotteurism (touching or rubbing against a nonconsenting individual), sexual masochism (undergoing humiliation, bondage, or suffering), sexual sadism (inflicting humiliation, bondage, or suffering), pedophilia/hebephilia disorder (sexual focus on underage children), fetishism (using nonliving objects or having a highly specific focus on non-genital body parts), and transvestism (engaging in sexually arousing cross-dressing). There are many other paraphilic disorders but I have only mentioned the most common.
- Compulsive Sexual Behaviour: Many clients that I treat struggle with addiction to sex (hypersexuality; coercive sexual disorder, chronic masturbation), pornography (internet); sexting, domination/submissiveness, etc.
- Domestic Violence: The area of sexual abuse and domestic violence is often entwined
- Premature Ejaculation: problems getting and maintaining an erection; unable or delayed ejaculation
- Sexual Identity: struggling with your sexuality; feeling emasculated
- Performance Anxiety: unable to perform due to anxiety, fear and stress
- Intimacy Deficits: marital dissatisfaction; varying sexual drive with partner
- Low Sexual interest/Low Sexual Arousal: aging
- Sexual Abuse Survivors: past history of sexual abuse or childhood trauma
- Social Phobias: dating; meeting a potential partner; anxiety with your partner